The word galaxy comes from the Greek word for milk, galacticos. The Milky Way must have reminded the Greeks of milk being spilled across the sky.
Swartz Bridge, an historic covered bridge in Wyandot County, crosses the scenic Sandusky River and can still be enjoyed by interested naturalists and historians. Take SR 231 south from Nevada, OH. Turn right on County Road 62. Turn left (south) on CR 130.
Johnny Appleseed’s legacy carries to most every state in the U.S., each claiming at least a visit from the “Apple Man”. Whether that is true or not, most of his life was centered here in north-central Ohio as he roamed the woods and trails between Mansfield and Van Wert. Vestiges of Johnny’s trees are claimed to be everywhere, but only one is known for certain to have been planted by him. It is in Mansfield and held together with log chains.
The idea for Daylight Saving Time was conceived in 1905 by a London man who was upset that many people slept through the best part of the day; and he had to cut his golf game short in the evening! Utilize your new morning hours watching wildlife, as they can be abundant during the sunrise hours.
Theodore Roosevelt is hailed as our nation’s greatest conservation President. He believed that conservation of the land and other natural resources was a national priority and he insured that his vision became a reality. Roosevelt increased natural forest lands from 43 million to 194 million acres.
In 1837, Mr. Abraham Hahn uncovered the perfect skeletal remains of a mastodon in Bucyrus. The approximate location was west of the current Transco building. The weight of the upper jaw and skull was 160 pounds! Historical accounts claim that the Bucyrus Mastodon skeleton burned in a fire at New York’s Barnum Museum.
An exhibit began on October 31, 2010 at the Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center that showcases Ice Age mammal remains. Come to look, learn and see life of the past!
In 1872, Yellowstone National Park was established as the first official National Park by President Ulysses S. Grant. California’s Yosemite State Park was established in 1864, by a federal cession approved by President Abraham Lincoln.